Monday 24 August 2015

UBI JAGA - Smilax Myosotiflora

UBI JAGA - Smilax Myosotiflora



Ubi Jaga, or Ubi Besi, which has a scientific name called Smilax Myosotiflora, is a type of creeping plant with tubers found in the tropical forest in South East Asia. Traditionally, Ubi jaga is usually used as a native herb by indigenous folk for its aphrodisiac effects. Accompanied with Tongkat Ali, Ubi Jaga can provide a complimentary positive effect.
Scientific research on Ubi Jaga is still carried on and the therapeutic effect, side effect, etc. of independent consumption of Ubi Jaga is not well known until now. Thus, Ubi Jaga is only combined with other herbs like Tongkat Ali and Kacip Fatimah as an herbal supplement.


• Stigmasterol
• Sitosterol
• Campesterol


Due to the ability to improve blood circulation, Ubi jaga is traditionally used as herbal medicine to strengthen male energy, as a general tonic and to increase body metabolism. As a result, it has a similar function with Tongkat Ali, by increasing sexual desire and sensitivity, strengthening erections and enabling men of all ages to enjoy more frequent and longer lasting sex. Besides the benefit of sexual activity, these effects of Ubi Jaga can be utilized to stabilize mood, maintain normal blood pressure levels and increase energy level. It would certainly help in intimate relationships. Traditionally, Ubi Jaga is used to treat syphilis by boiling its chipped tuber and then consume the liquid portion.


1) The mature Ubi Jaga is harvested from rainforest.
2) Tubers of the harvested Ubi Jaga are separated from the other parts of the plant.
3) All tubers are washed and dried.
4) The tubers are then packaged and ready for consumption.


Part of Plants used : Tubers
Appearance : Dried tubers
Color : Brown (outside), Creamy white (inside) 
Odor : Characteristic
Taste : Milky taste
Packaging : Box


1. After chipping, wash the tuber chips with water to remove residues.
2. Put the 2g of chipped tuber into the water, boil and cook for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
3. Remove the slice, extract to drink.
4. Based on personal preferences, you can add a little honey or rock sugar to reconcile.
Note: The standard dosage is usually 2 grams each intake.


Traditionally, Ubi Jaga is used as a general tonic by drinking the liquid portion of its fruits and left after blending (treatment of syphilis) or cooking its root and as a soup (aphrodisiac effects). Nowadays, root of Ubi Jaga is powdered and mixed with food , drink, or in capsules and is normally combined with Tongkat Ali and/or Black Tongkat Ali to give a perfect effect, with a dose of 0.5 to 4 grams per day.


1. Pregnant women are not recommended for consuming Ubi Jaga unless given permission by physician because the effect of Ubi Jaga on pregnancy is not well known.
2. Ubi Jaga is not suitable for individuals who are allergic to other herbs and under pharmacological treatment for erectile dysfunction. 
3. For a safety purpose, people who are suffering from chest pains or have heart related problems or even under the age of 18 should avoid Ubi Jaga. 
4. Ubi Jaga is also not encouraged for people who have been advised by a doctor to abstain from sexual activity. 
5. Precaution is needed for elderly person, or who are taking other herbal supplements or medicines. Individuals who experience any negative side effects should stop consumption immediately and consult physician.


There is no side effect found in the previous research.


Keep at cool and dry place protected from direct sunlight. Avoid reach of children.


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