Thursday 20 August 2015

SERAPAT - Parameria Polyneura

SERAPAT - Parameria Polyneura



Serapat is commonly found at 1500m above sea level in primary and secondary forests in Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia. It can also be found in Andaman Islands in India, Southern China, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Borneo and the Philippines.
It is known as Serapat in Malaysia and Kayu Rapet in Indonesia. "Kayu" is the Indonesian word for "wood", and "rapet" means "tight". This herb is widely use by women especially after childbirth. All parts of the plant are used, both orally as well as topically. However, the bark of this small tree is considered the most effective part of the plant, especially when it is consumed as tea.
The scientific name of Serapat is Parameria Polyneura or Parameria barbata (Blume) K. Schum. and it belongs to Apocynaceae family.


An active ingredient is a substance in a drug or herb that is pharmaceutically active. Some drug / herbs may contain more than 1 active ingredient. Below are the active ingredients found in Serapat:

The barks of Serapat contain: 
• Flavonoids
• Polyphenols

The leaves contain: 
• Saponins
• Tannins


Serapat leaves and barks are harvested from the forests.
All the collected leaves and barks are washed with clean water.
Then the leaves and barks are dried under sunlight or oven.
The dried leaves and barks are then packaged and it is ready for consumption.


Part of plants used : Barks and leaves
Appearance : Dried barks and leaves
Colour : Pale green (leaves), dark brown (barks) 
Odour : Characteristic
Taste : Tasteless (leaves), bitter (barks) 
Packaging : Box


There are a few methods to consume Serapat:
a) Barks / leaves
1) Take 2g of leaves or barks and washed it.
2) Boil and cook for about 30 minutes, put the other ingredients if wanted and needed.
3) Remove it from the place and the resulting decoction is drunk.
b) Tea bag
1) Place a tea bag into a cup of hot water.
2) Let the bag to sit in the cup for 20 minutes and it is ready to be served.
c) Capsules
Swallow the capsule with water.
(Note: The standard dosage is usually 2g each intake.)


Do not consume in large quantities in a short period of interval. The standard dose is considered to be a maximum of 50g of leaves or barks in a day. Users should monitor themselves and reduce their dosage if these side effects occur. It is better to take smaller amounts over a 2-7 day period than a very high amount in one day.


There is no side effect found in the previous research by the Scientifics.


Keep in a cool and dry place. Avoid from reach of children.

1 comment:

  1. Muhammad Iman Nashriq, berumur 2tahun mengidap penyakit lelah atau asma sejak berumur 5bulan. Adik ni berulang alik ke hospital sejak umur 5bulan sebanyak 3minggu sekali untuk buat rawatan sehinggalah dia berumur 2tahun. Tapi tetap tak nampak apa2 perubahan makin sembuh ke atau makin baik,tetap sama saja. Ibu cuba memberi rawatan tradisional lain tapi tak ada juga perubahan, keadaan anaknya masih sama. Beliau bersyukur sangat apabila bertemu jus ni daripada seorang kawan, Iman tak perlu lagi dah pergi hospital buat rawatan. Batuk2 biasa ada tapi yang ketaranya Iman dah tak ada semput-semput dan sesak nafas macam dulu lagi. Kalau dulu 3kali sebulan kena pergi sedut gas, sekarang tak perlu lagi. Alhamdulillah.
    Dan ramai lg psakit2 yg gunakan produk ni sembuh dari masalah lutut kronik,kanser dan lain2 yg guna produk jutawan herbs ni. Ini kenyataan bkn rekaan untuk melariskan produk semata2. Benda elok harus dikongsi agar sama2 dapat manfaat,okay.

    Nanti boleh hubungi En. Mohd Zuhairi dn pm sendiri testimoni2 td tu yer..��

    9)Jadi saya mintak pd sape2 yg ada sakit kanser x kisah lah kanser apa pon...Call atau terus wasap Pengasasnya sendiri okay����
    En. Mohd Zuhairi - 017468 7570

    ��Yg penting ubat nya MAMPU DIBELI dan mujarab..mudah mudahan aaminn..����

    Call order wasap@call- En mohd zuhairi- 0174687570

    ��kalau wasap lambat balas(biasa nya sebab ramai yg wasap dia.)
    Tp nanti dia akn blas jugak yer..
    #sharing is caring
