Monday 24 August 2015

TONGKAT ALI MERAH - Jackia ornata

TONGKAT ALI MERAH - Jackia ornata



Tongkat Ali can be divided into three types, Tongkat Ali, Tongkat Ali Hitam, and Tongkat Ali Merah. It is also known as Akar Haji Samad for some local people. Its shape is similar with Tongkat Ali but a little bit in red color. The scientific name of Tongkat Ali merah is Jackia ornata.
Among those three types of Tongkat Ali, the Tongkat Ali Merah is the best one with its variety of benefits. It grows in the forest on the slope area. The leaves are the biggest among the Tongkat Ali types, smooth, and soft.


No active ingredients information can be obtained about this herb. It might be same with other Tongkat Ali types as the benefits are similar to each other.


• Increase energy and stamina
• Reduce joint pain
• Relief of bone and back ache
• Used for warming up the body
• Treatment of sexual dysfunction
• Regulation of blood viscosity


1) The Tongkat Ali Merah roots are harvested from the plants. 
2) The collected roots are washed and dried until all roots are in dry condition. 
3) The root chips are washed and dried again in an oven to take out the moisture. 
4) The dried roots are then chipped using specialized equipment packaged into root chip, teabag, and powder extract and ready for consumption.


Part of Plants used : Roots
Appearance : Dried roots
Color : Black (outside), Creamy white (inside) 
Odor : Characteristic
Taste : Bitter/Brackish
Packaging : Box


A. Original Taste:
The taste of Tongkat Ali Merah is bitter.
B. Possible Mixture with Other Herbs and Ingredients:
Tongkat Ali Merah can be mixed with Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia), Ubi Jaga (Smilax Myosotiflora), Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba into coffee or powder then transform into capsules.
C. Cooking Method & Dosage:
1. After chipping, wash the root chips with water to remove residues.
2. Soak 2gms of chipped root in 1 liter of water for 1 hour.
3. Boil and cook for 30 minutes - 1 hour.
4. Remove the chipped root and drink the juice like tea consumption.
The juice (Tea) may be blended with honey or rock sugar to balance off the bitter taste of Tongkat Ali Merah. You may reboil the root chip and juice for another consumption until the bitter taste has subsided.
Note: The standard dosage is usually 2 grams each intake.


Traditionally, Tongkat Ali Merah can be served as a drink by boiling it with the water and the decoction is drunk. But nowadays, Tongkat Ali Merah is also available in a herbal supplement mix with other herb ingredients in the form of capsules, tablets, and coffee.


No safety precautions information can be obtained about this herb. It might be same with other Tongkat Ali types as the benefits are similar to each other.


No side effects information can be obtained about this herb. It might be same with other Tongkat Ali types as the benefits are similar to each other.


Keep at cool and dry place protected from direct sunlight. Avoid reach of children.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum slm sejahtera kepada warga group yang ada penyakit kencing manis!!. Jom viralkan berita baik ni Bantu kakak2 abang2 kita yg ada kencing manis yg dh bertahun2 bergantung pd ubatan.

    Bantu kwn2 kita, saudara mara,jiran2 smua. Rawat terus kencing manis!

    Ini 1 penemuan herba utk rawat kencing manis dgn bacaan gula xkira betapa tggi pun.

    Herba yg di proses menjadi jus untuk pesakit kencing manis menurun kan bcaan gula yang amat tinggi

    -Kaki luka bernanah
    -Badan letih dan lemah akibat kencing manis
    -Paling penting dapat lindungi buah pinggang
    -Rasanya yang tidak pahit dan sedap untuk di minum

    🗣Jom sama2 kita viral kan, ..kita rawat cara selamat ,cara alami tanpa kandungan bahan kimia yg boleh bgi kesan yang tidak baik.

    Gula turun dengan cepat selpas hanya dua jam meminum jus herba ni dan rasa tidak pahit

    Stabil kan gula kembali..paling penting dapat menjaga buah pinggang!

    Ini adalah herba yg sangat sukar dijumpai dn amat berkesan.

    Mari bantu saudara mara,kwn2,jiran2 dn keluarga kte turun kan kencing manis dengan cepat dan pantas cara selamat 💪🏻

    NOTE :
    Ia BUKAN HERBA YG MEMANASKAN BADAN macam produk2 lain yang masukkan herba2 biasa Herba ni fresh2 di proses tiada perap simpan lama2.. boleh diambil sebagai suplement utk penyakit2 lain juga.

    Call & whats app sekarang! Nk tanya je dlu blh jgn malu.

    En mohd zuhairi 0174687570
    En mohd zuhelmi 0111 63 82 044

    #sharing is caring

